Monday, December 3, 2007

Reflections on Assessment of LE I

As a teacher nowadays, we do not just enter a classroom and deliver the contents away. It is important to do a environment scan to access whether the conditons of the class is suitable for lesson delivery to take place. This is a form of assessment that all teachers should take to ensure a conducive learning environment. I feel the assessment of LE is important in order to ensure a stimulating and conducive environment for our students. Apart from assessing the physical environment such as lightning of the classroom, noise level near the classroom and so on, we also need to access our own students' conditions and even our own teaching resources or our mode of delivery. Moo concluded that LE can be described in three general categories namely the relationship dimension, the personal development dimension and the system maintenance and change dimension which can be further broken down into 10 different aspects of LE. These 10 different aspects are used to analyze students evaluation of LE. Through this session, i am happy to find out that there is an array of assesssment tools to assist the teachers to access the classroom learning environment like the LEI (Moo), CES (Moo) ,QTI, WIHIC and so on. In conclusion, i believe it is important to access student's LE as it will reflect how a student cope with the learning environment and subsequently it may affect his/her learning results.

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