Monday, December 3, 2007

Notes on Assessment of LE I 03/12/2007

Key Pointers abt LE
- student needs
- students perceptions
- sch culture
- sch climate
- human behaviour
- sch environment

1) Why access LE?
2) What to access in LE?
- physical (seating, noise level, ventilation, resource provision)
- Students (working in groups/indiv, student behaviour, group sizes and compo, student concentration)
- Social (Teachers modes of instruction, tr acceptance and rejection)
3) inter-relationships bet Lewinian formula and Murray's needs-press modal
2 approach in conducting assessment
Alpha press approach-- team of experts from outside to study eg Forbes climate survey ( they are detached observers outside environment)
Beta press approach--- Participants of environment to study environment eg teachers/ students (they are attached to the environment)
Data triangulation is the best approach, ie using both quantitative and qualitative methods.
4) Murray proposed a need-press model that shows the representation of a person and environmt
5) Moo developed LEI and CES(Classroom Environmt Scale)
6) He concluded tat LE can b described in 3 general categories
- Relationship dimension
- the personal development dimension
- sys maintenance and change dimension (pg 159)
7) These dimensions further broken down into 10 diff aspects of LE
- stimulation
- achievement
- efficacy
- safety
- control
- helpfulness
- participation
- responsibility
- influence
8) 1930 - Murray, Moo, Timothy leary
9) Assessmt of LE Research
- Relationship
*Extent of pple involvmt & spt for each other
- Personal devt
* direction along which personal growth and self-enhancemt occur
- Sys maintenance and system change
* Extent of which the environmt is orderly
- Actual vs preferred forms
* instrumt measures the perceptions of 'actual' or exp classrm environmt as well as the perceptions of 'preferred' or ideal classrm environmt
- Class vs personal forms
* elicit an individual pupil's perceptns of the class (class form0
* evluate a pupil's perception or opinion of his/her own role within the class (personal form)
- Adaptation
- Approach
* Use st perceptn
- Instrumts
* My Class Inventory (MCI)
* Sc Lab Environmt Inventory (SLEI)
* e-learning
* What is happening in this class (WIHIC)
10) Flexible learning environment (hands on, minds on, use MP3, blogging, e-textbook)
11) Takeaways today

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